The Homeopathic Medicine or Medical Science is a holistic system capable of curing disease and restoring health without any side effect or bad effect of medicine. In the interest of ailing humanity, this education, both in theory and practice, seems to have emerged as the need of the time. Worldwide emphasis on Homeopathy has actually recognized its utility and world view. The government of India have also felt the urge of developing and spreading this inexpensive and effective system of treatment(?). We all are with this new movement.
The aims and objectives of this system is to provide the poor and deprived people willh comparatively low cost altemative medicine and treatment. This medical profession has a definite purpose and view.
With the above mentioned qualified intention, this Muzaffarpur Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital was established by VIKAS SEVA SANSTHAN in the year 1979 in order to serve the region and lIhe people whom our society on account of many reasons could not provide with modem medical facilities. The college stands with a missionary attitude to attend the helpless and suffering laity with the co-operation and zeal of the well-qualified rigorously trained, community oriented, dedicated and devoted teachers and staffs.
Muzaffarpur Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Raghunath Pandey Nagar, Rohua Aapuchh, M.l.e. Bela, Muzaffarpur is the resultant of a creative imagination of Late Raghunath Pandey, Minister, Govt. of Bihar and philanthropic ideas of Sri Amar Nath Pandey, Secretary of the college who is determined to develope this institution into an Ideal one to popularisc the scope of Homoeopathic system of Medicine in the interest of the suffering humani.ty. The management of the college has a plan to convert this area into an institutional area having Dental College, Law College and many other technical and non-technical institutions in this vast area of the campus. This college is permanently affiliated to B.R.A., Bihar University, Muzaffarpur and recognised by Govt. of India Deptt of A YUSl-l, New Delhi.
The college stands to impart Homoeopathic education both theoretical and practical. Organising camps during natural calamities like flood and adding awareness about diseases like AIDS, Ricker and other epidemic ailments has been kept in the Missionary routine of the college.
Health education, promotion and prevention of diseases through pro-active, preventive and curative Homoeopathic medicines have been kept on priority.
The college is expected to become a seat of Homoeopathic learning and practice within no time as the Secretary is with full dedicated determination to shape this institution into a model one with and without any external help.